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Es tut uns sehr Leid, aber es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut!

Become a member now!

3 reasons to become a member now

What can you achieve with your membership?

5 € per month:

With your annual contribution, for example, 5,000 people can be educated about animal rights and animal politics through Animal Society campaigns.

10 € per month:

Your annual contribution makes it possible, for example, to have a personal conversation with a decision-maker to draw attention to shortcomings in animal policies and advise them on how to resolve them.

25 € per month:

Over the course of a year, they make it possible for Animal Society to review relevant laws and create transparency by exposing potential harm and improvements for animals.

Benefits of your membership

As a member of Animal Society, you are a representative of animals and an ambassador for better animal politics.
To spread this message, as a new member you will receive our logo T-shirt as a welcome gift.

You can find out what we achieved in 2023 in our detailed activity report

Annual Report 2023 (EN) by Animal Society
Become a member now