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On December 11th, 2023, join us for the unveiling of findings from Germany’s most comprehensive survey on animal politics. We’ll delve into the landscape of Animal Welfare Politics two years post the social-green-liberal government shift in Germany, addressing both the current status and the anticipated aspirations. This event aims to explore the genuine progress and citizen expectations in the realm of animal welfare policies.
December 11th, 2023
5:00pm (CET) [=11am (EST)/8am (PT)]
Online (Zoom)
Register here for the online event:
Our collaboration with the SINUS Institute led to the most expansive and inclusive survey on political animal protection and rights in Germany to date, offering invaluable insights. Each response is segmented by social group, education, gender, or political affiliation.
For instance, 71% of participants view dogs, cats, cows, and pigs as integral parts of society. Surprisingly, a mere 7% feel that the political representation adequately addresses animal interests.
We look forward to presenting the results to you and discussing them with you!
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