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2022 has been a year full of dramatic events in our society and the rest of the world.
In these stormy times more than ever we all must stick to our conviction that a better world is possible not only for humans but also for animals. We have worked hard in 2022 to build up a strong and sustainable organization and also to make a difference for animals. Here are the 10 most significant of our outcomes in 2022 and 2 of the most important projects which will come out in the next months.
Thank you so much to all our supporters who trusted our work and our vision. Without you, none of these successes would have been possible. We wish you all a peaceful year 2023.
For the animals.
The Animal Society Team.
Release of an extensive survey on animal politics in Germany “Tier(schutz)politik im Spiegel der Gesellschaft” to better understand citizen perspectives and expectations on animal protection. The study has been published in one of Germany’s most reputable national weekly newspaper “Die Zeit”.
Survey (German)We have organized a public seminar with Sozis für Tiere”, with Susanne Mittag (speaker of the food and agriculture working group of the Social Democratic Party of Germany,SPD, parliamentary group) and Luiza Licina-Bode (Animal Welfare Commissioner of the SPD parliamentary group) as guests – March – Animal Society presented the results of the study mentioned above (1.) and debated about the political representation of animals
Sozis für TierePublication of a report and a policy paper to plead for political representation of animals. The publications are available in German and English (.pdf and audio)
Report on the political representation of animalsRelease of 7 podcasts, amongst others with the philosopher Friederike Schmitz and Zoe Mayer who is at the forefront of Animal Protection for the Green Party parliamentary group, with law professor Jens Bülte, Kathrin Herrmann (Berlin Animal Protection Commissioner), Professor of administration and policy analysis Colette Vogeler and Professor Peter Niesen on the political representation of animals
Our podcast „Tier und Jetzt“ (German)Animal Society attended and held talks or seminars at 4 conferences (CARE Conference -Warsaw-, European Vegan Summit -Online-, Effective Altruism Globalx -Berlin-, Animal and Vegan Advocacy Summit -Washington DC-), specifically on changing institutions to represent animals. It is a new topic in the animal movement which needs to be debated.
We have visited 5 sanctuaries in Switzerland, Germany and the USA to connect with them since they represent the society we envision, where humans and animals live peacefully with each other. We gathered footage which we want to spread through our platforms. Thanks to Hof Narr, Lebenshof Odenwald, Tamerlaine Sanctuary, Woodstock Sanctuary and Catskill sanctuary for the hospitality and everything they are doing for the animals
Ongoing support of the campaign #EUforAnimals calling for a EU Commissar for Animal Welfare. Animal Society has been in contact with Members of the European Parliament. So far, Animal Society managed to convince 10 MEPs to support the campaign which is still ongoing.
Campaign page #EUforAnimalsIIn June 2022, we joined an international campaign to ban chick-culling in the European Union and started public outreach towards the German government and the Institutions of the EU. We have been in contact with Members of the European Parliament, German ministries and German members of the parliament. In December, Animal Society handed in an extensive report (67 pages) on Chick-killing to the European commission and sent it to more than 550 MEPs.
Campaign PageLaunch of a specific campaign on the realization of the coalition government promise for a Federal Commissioner for Animal Protection (Bundestierschutzbeauftragte_r). On December 13th, we organized a parliamentary meeting in the German Bundestag (the national parliament of Germany)with the key politicians in charge of animal protection and agriculture and are still in contact with other NGOs and parties to plead for facilitating the office with effective tools to successfully advance animal protection in Germany
Campaign pageA resources and campaign website representinganimals.org have been launched in English and in German. The aim is to coordinate international research and global efforts by NGOs to strengthen the interests of animals in public institutions
RepresentingAnimals.orgWe are finalizing the public observatory (www.tierpolitik.org) on animal welfare political activities: more than 1000 activities of hundreds of members of the German parliament have been analyzed. The website is being tested and polished. That is our biggest project so far, which will be released in the next few months.
Redesign of our main website (animalsociety.de soon animalsociety.org) has been programmed and is being finalized. Further information pages have been edited.The new website will be more user-friendly, contain twice as much information as currently and have more English content to reach an international audience.