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The year 2023 was characterized by a wealth of work and events for Animal Society. It marks a time full of highlights and successes. From passionate campaigns and groundbreaking research to inspiring demonstrations, enriching workshops and major international conferences, here is a summary of Animal Society’s standout activities over the past year.
Annual Report 2023 (EN) von Animal Society e.V.We sincerely thank all our supporters and look forward to continuing our projects and our commitment to the animals in the coming year with no less ambition.
Our focus is on the political representation of animals and their interests, because we are firmly convinced that animals are affected by political decisions every single day, but their interests are systematically neglected. We want to vigorously correct this injustice. Through our educational work and determined political campaigns, we increase transparency in animal policy and promote political participation. In doing so, we are building an interface between human and non-human citizens as well as between animal politics and state institutions.
Major projects are also planned for 2024. The Animal Politics Observatory aims to create transparency as the first database for animal policy activities in Germany. It collects, analyzes and evaluates the political activities of members of parliament in the field of animal welfare in order to make their animal policy understandable and transparent. It also offers the opportunity to take a closer look at the realities of animals‘ lives and to make direct contact with politicians. The platform will be published at the beginning of 2024. We urgently need funding to maintain and expand it.
Take a look at a preview here!